Birth Processing Session

Have you taken the time to reflect on your birth experience(s)? Did it (they) not go according to what you had hoped? Do you notice that your eyes well up or you feel a pit in your stomach when you hear others’ birth stories or start to recount yours? Are you pregnant (or considering it) and having concerns about giving birth again and what it will be like?

If you answered yes to any of the above, a birth processing session may be for you. During this session, we go in-depth into your preconception, pregnancy and birth experiences to uncover the full story to your birth(s). The pre-work you’ll receive will have you answering questions specific to your journey and will help guide the work we do together. The goal of this session is to give you answers to your questions, close any doors that remain open and allow you to move on with peace and understanding from your birth experience(s).

Birth processing can be done anywhere from immediately postpartum to years after giving birth.

To find out if birth processing is right for you, book a free call today:

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